Teletherapy and in person counseling to fit your journey and schedule
3218 Pittston Ave, Scranton PA
650 Boulevard Ave, Dickson City, PA
Dr. Carrie Johanson
Founder and Psychologist

Dr. Johanson accepts most Geisinger, Lyra, and Modern Health insurance plans. She also provides superbills for clients preferring out of network or private pay.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my page and I’m honored you are considering me as you look to start therapy. I mostly work with individuals in the helping field (LEO, first responders, medical or mental health professionals), however, as caregivers, parents, or from the other hats that we can wear, sometimes your needs align with my typical client population.
As a therapist, former federal law enforcement officer, and past psychologist for the VA system, I have found that our career paths can often isolate us due to the expectations we put on ourselves, and what we hear from others in our field. We start to believe that we must be invincible, mentally tough, and that work should not affect us outside of our shifts. We start to build an outer shell to not show weakness. We often do not share what happens at work with loved ones; either for privacy related issues, or because we do not want to burden our family with the trauma or horror that we may see at work. As our burden grows, we try to keep the cracks from showing and fear judgement from others if we allow others to realize that our job is bringing us down. We start to worry that to admit we are struggling indicates that we are not good enough; at work, at home, at life. We start to hide our feelings, distance ourselves from our loved ones, stop sharing with coworkers, and go down the path of poor coping strategies, such as drinking, gambling, or overeating. The more we distance ourselves from others, the more resentful we become toward them, and the harder relationships become. You start to feel like the distance between you and everyone else is growing but are unsure of how to mend the distance, as you feel continually pulled to hide your daily stressors.
This is where I come in. Therapy is a place where you can confidentially share your daily stressors at work. It is the place where you can talk about how work and your daily responsibilities are dragging you down and isolating you from the people you love. Therapy is where we talk about the feelings that you have been trying to push so far down that no one will see them. But most of all, therapy is the place where I can give you new tools, like coping skills, ways to challenge your thinking, and motivation to help make changes in your life to improve how you feel and function. I am kind and I will sit with you through hard feelings and memories, helping you open up and be heard. However, I am not just going to sit there with you. I am a straight shooter, and I will also push you to find what will make your life better and empower you to make the changes you need to make.
When you feel that you must be the rock every day, I know it can be hard to open up and be vulnerable. I applaud you for taking the first step in considering therapy and encourage you to give us a call.